About:  Writing for the International Low Brass Trio was a unique challenge: how to write music that complements this group of instruments, and simultaneously stretches what it can be? Hearing music grow from a simple unison fascinates me, so this was my approach. I tried to steer myself away from having a clear melody, bringing rhythmic imitation to the forefront. I also wanted to make use of the instruments’ upper ranges, so lower notes felt like meaningful arrival points. The piece is never loud, but swells only to a mezzo-forte at its climax. While searching for harmonic material for the piece, I found a video I had recorded of myself playing a progression at the piano. The image showed clouds moving in the reflection of the piano’s lid; their character fit the ethos of the chords, and the title stuck. 

Premiere:  The International Low Brass Trio on December 13th, 2014 at Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church, San Francisco, CA.

Instrumentation:  horn, trombone, tuba

Duration:  ca. 6 minutes
